About Us

  • Pedagogy with the special focus on physical-motor development deals with the education of people with impairments of the musculoskeletal system, another organic damage, a chronic or progressive disease. In the sense of an ecosystemic approach, education in the special focus of physical and motor development supports the individual in its interaction with the environment. It develops, researches and teaches concepts that support inclusive educational processes for people with physical-motor impairments, promote autonomy and self-realisation and enable participation and inclusion in all areas of life. As a discipline, it sees social action as well as cooperation with health-related services as its task, as well as individual pedagogical support.

  • The study of physical-motor development at the University of Leipzig is designed to be practice and scientifically oriented. In addition to teaching the basics of forms of impairments and dealing with ethical and social aspects of disability, special emphasis is placed on acquiring specific competences in didactics, diagnostics and counselling as well as on the personal development of students.





The study programme of physical and motor development is modularised and covers six modules in nine semesters. Starting with an introduction module, in which theoretical and historical basics as well as specialist knowledge on manifestations of physical impairments are discussed, we address the areas of

  • education and support,
  • didactics,
  • diagnostics and counselling,
  • augmentative and alternative communication,
  • complex disabilities and
  • pedagogy in view of chronically and progressively ill children and adolescents

Our teaching is always based on current, scientifically and critically reflected publications from research and practice.



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The practical school internships are an integral part of university teacher training and are designed to enable future teachers to plan, implement and reflect on teaching. Five compulsory internships are completed during the teacher training programme.

A semester-long internship (SPS II/III) and a block internship (SPS IV/V) are completed in the paedagogy with focus on physical and motor development. The semester-long internship is intended to give students an insight into the education and support of pupils who require special support in the area of physical-motor development. In the process, states of development are to be recorded and the resulting support measures must be planned, independently carried out and reflected upon. In the block practical training, which is completed during the lecture-free period, previous practical experiences are to be consolidated and applied in concrete teaching situations. The focus is on planning, implementing and reflecting own teaching units.

Contact person for the semester-long internship is Felix Michl.

Contact person for the block internship is Anne Weiland.

State Examination

Oral Examination

Contact person for the oraxl examination in the paedagogy with focus on physical-motor development is Helga Schlichting.

Scientific Paper

In the course of the State Examination, students must write a scientific paper, which can also be completed in the paedagogy with focus on physical-motor development.

The following selected topics have already been approached in past work:

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • Psychomotricity
  • Conductive support
  • Inclusive dance education
  • Adventure sports
  • Vocational preparation
  • Counselling and much more.

Please note the following when creating:

Hinweise zur Gestaltung von wissenschaftlichen und anderen schriftlichen Arbeiten
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In so-called tutorials (exercises held in smaller groups and led by older students) you have the opportunity to consolidate and deepen the knowledge and skills you have acquired. We currently offer the following tutorials:

  • Tutorial "Neuroanatomy, physiology and pathology" (as part of module 05-SPF-KM1000)
  • Tutorial "Lifting & Positioning" (open to all students)

We will inform you about further tutorial offers here or, if necessary, in the courses.



Here you can find relevant facilities of the professorship and the Institute for Special Needs Education.

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Contact & Approach