Dr. Emi Kinoshita

Dr. Emi Kinoshita

Lecturer (LfbA)

Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
Haus 7
Marschnerstraße 29 a, Room 136
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31428


After my education and professional experiences at universities in Japan, I have been working at the Department of General Didactics and School Pedagogy of Secondary Education at Leipzig University since 2017. As a research associate as well as a university teacher for special assignment, I work in intercultural as well as -professional projects of qualitative classroom research and in teaching in the educational science module 1 and 7.

Professional career

  • 02/2023
    Research Assistant at Leipzig University, Faculty of Education, Chair of General Didactics and School Pedagogy for Secondary Schools
  • since 01/2021
    Teaching staff for special tasks Research Assistant at Leipzig University, Faculty of Education, Chair of General Didactics and School Pedagogy for Secondary Schools
  • 06/2017 - 10/2021
    Research Assistant at Leipzig University, Faculty of Education, Chair of General Didactics and School Pedagogy for Secondary Schools
  • since 10/2015
    Guest researcher at Asian Cultures Research Institute, Toyo University, Tokio
  • 10/2013 - 03/2018
    Contract lecturer at Open University Japan, Tokio
  • 04/2014 - 05/2017
    Postdoctoral Fellow at Hitotsubashi University, Tokio (Graduate School of Social Sciences)
  • 04/2011 - 03/2014
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • 09/2011 - 03/2014
    Contract lecturer at St. Paul University, Tokio
  • 09/2011 - 03/2014
    Contract lecturer at Toyo University, Tokio
  • 04/2013 - 09/2013
    Guest researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin, Faculty of Philosophy IV, via postdoctoral program of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences
  • 04/2012 - 09/2012
    Guest researcher at Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Education, via postdoctoral program of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences
  • 12/2010 - 03/2011
    Postdoctoral Fellow at Hitotsubashi University, Tokio (Graduate School of Social Sciences)


  • 04/2005 - 11/2010
    Doctoral course at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo (Graduage School of Social Sciences), Doctor of Social Sciences
  • 10/2007 - 09/2009
    Research stay at Dresden University of Technology (Faculty of Education, via German Academic Exchange Service)
  • 04/2003 - 03/2005
    Master at Hitotsubashi University, Tokio (Graduate School of Social Sciences)
  • 07/1999 - 03/2003
    Bachelor at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo (Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • 09/2001 - 08/2002
    Student exchange at University of Cologne (via Josuikai Foundation)
  • Innov@ter - International Online Video Case Archive for Teacher Training and Empirical Research
    Mbaye, Mamadou
    Duration: 10/2020 – ongoing
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
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  • Individualization and Collectivisation in Classroom: Comparative Videobased-Interpretative Lesson Inquiry in Germany and Japan
    Hallitzky, Maria
    Duration: 04/2017 – 12/2020
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
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  • Talking about Lessons
    Herfter, Christian
    Duration: 10/2019 – 12/2023
    Funded by: Haushaltsmittel (TG51, Overhead)
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
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  • Establishing an international cooperative network for research on democratic development of lessons and Lesson Study
    Kinoshita, Emi
    Duration: 01/2021 – 12/2022
    Funded by: DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
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  • Researching Language in Classrooms: An International Dialogue on Qualitative Classroom Research and Development
    Hallitzky, Maria
    Duration: 05/2022 – 12/2023
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
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more projects

  • Herfter, C.; Spendrin, K.; Heinze, F.; Leicht, J.; Kinoshita, E.
    Sehen was sein soll? Zur normativen Valenz allgemeindidaktischer Theorien für die qualitative Unterrichtsforschung
    Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung. 2019. 20 (2). pp. 253–269.
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  • Hallitzky, M.; Kieres, C.; Kinoshita, E.; Yoshida, N. (Eds.)
    Unterrichtsforschung und Unterrichtspraxis im Gespräch. Interkulturelle und interprofessionelle Perspektiven auf eine Unterrichtsstunde
    Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. 2022.
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  • Hallitzky, M.; Kinoshita, E.
    „Sie konnten zusammen nicht kommen“ – Interprofessionalität und Interkulturalität in der Perspektivierung von Unterricht
    In: Hallitzky, M.; Kieres, C.; Kinoshita, E.; Yoshida, N. (Eds.)
    Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. 2022. p. 17.
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  • Kinoshita, E.
    Perspektiven auf Grenzvorstellungen und Methodologien der Grenzbearbeitung zwischen Schulpraxis und Forschung im interkulturellen ’wissenschaftlichen Selbstgespräch’
    In: Frank, M.; Geier, T.; Hornberg, S.; Machold, C.; Otterspeer, L.; Singer-Brodowski, M.; Stošić, P. (Eds.)
    Grenzen auflösen - Grenzen ziehen. Grenzbearbeitungen zwischen Erziehungswissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft. Opladen, Berlin und Tronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. 2023. pp. 141–159.
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  • Kinoshita, E.
    質的研究のグローバリゼーションと研究者のトランスナショナルな移動:日本とドイツにおける質的研究方法実践の経験を例に(Globalization of Qualitative Research and Translational Academic Mobility: Research Practice and Experience in Germany and Japan)
    アジア文化研究所研究年報(Annual Journal of the Asian Cultures Research Institute). 2023. pp. 174–188.
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more publications