Prof. Dr. Jana Zehle

Prof. Dr. Jana Zehle

Stand-In Professor

Allgemeine Sonderpädagogik
Haus 5
Marschnerstraße 29d/e, Room 243
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31521


Prof. Dr. Jana Zehle

Acting professor (50%) in the field of special needs / inclusive education

Professional career

  • since 10/2022
    Acting professor Chair of Special Needs/ Inclusive Education (Leipzig University)
  • since 04/2015
    Professor Inclusive Education University of Applied Science Hannover (50%)
  • 04/2014 - 03/2020
    Senior Researcher, Institute of Special and Inclusive Education (Leipzig University)
  • 08/2013 - 03/2014
    Senior Lecturer, Institute of Special and Inclusive Education (Leipzig University)
  • 02/2008 - 07/2013
    DAAD Lecturere and Deputy Office Manager for Ethiopia and Djibouti
  • 02/2008 - 07/2013
    Ass. Professor Special Needs & Inclusive Education, Educational College Addis Abeba University; since 2013 Lifelong Affiliated Ass. Professor
  • 08/2001 - 07/2003
    Teacher - Degree programme for qualifying teachers (2nd study phase), subject: German Language and Literature
  • 07/1995 - 07/2007
    Teacher, Primary and Secondary Schools in Omaruru (Namibia), Addis Abeba (Ethiopia), Geesthacht (Germany)


  • 04/2006 - 01/2008
    Doctoral Degree in the field of Learning Disabilities, Side subjects: Psychology and Comparative Education, Leipzig University
  • 08/2000 - 12/2002
    Teaching Degree Programme of Special Needs Education (1st Staatsexamen), Hamburg University
  • 08/1998 - 07/1999
    Study of German as a Foreign Language, (Degree), Kassel University
  • 09/1995 - 07/1997
    Practical Studies / Vocational qualification: teacher in Primary and Secondary Education (2nd Staatsexamen), IPTS Lübeck
  • 09/1991 - 07/1995
    Teaching Degree Programme, Primary and Secondary Education (1st Staatsexamen) Christian Albrecht University, Kiel
  • 09/1981 - 06/1991
    A Level, Grammar School, Bad Segeberg

Life Stories – Inclusive Research with People with Disabilities in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Participatory action research on issues of social inequality and exclusion in the national and international context

NAKOPA - Sustainable municipal development through partnership projects: Department for International Affairs of the City of Leipzig, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) of the City of Leipzig as well as the University of Leipzig, Institute for Special Needs Education (Oct. 2016 - Oct. 2019, follow-up project planned) - financed by the BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development), Engagement Global

Award "Teilhabepreis" (1st place) of the city of Leipzig (2018) for the development of a tactile children's book

School development according to the Index for Inclusion - participatory project with pupils of the BSZ 12, Leipzig with use of Photovoice method

Project Funding in the Year of Democracy 2018 (Leipzig)

  • Inklusive Kommune - Maßnahmen zur Förderung einer inklusiven Gesellschaft in den Partnerstädten Leipzig und Addis Abeba
    Zehle, Jana
    Duration: 10/2016 – 09/2019
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Inklusive Bildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung sonderpädagogischer Lernförderung
    show details
  • Life stories - Inclusive Research with Peoples with Disabilities in Bahir Dar, Äthiopien
    Zehle, Jana
    Duration: 01/2012 – ongoing
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Inklusive Bildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung sonderpädagogischer Lernförderung
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more projects

  • Zehle, J.
    Marktwert oder individuelle Wertschätzung – der Capability Approach als Grundgedanke für den Umgang mit Leistung und Leistungsbewertung im Kontext von Inklusion in der Schule
    Leistung inklusive? Inklusion in der Leistungsgesellschaft. menschenrechtliche, sozialtheoretische und professionsbezogene Perspektiven. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. 2017. pp. 57–63.
    show details

more publications

Teaching in ASP 1000 & 2000 (Special Needs Education) with a focus on inclusion in theory, research and practice (State Examination, previously Bachelor and Master)

Main focus

  • Special Needs/ Inclusive education and its theoretical foundation
  • Inclusion
  • Summer term 2023 05-ASP-2000 lecture

    Democracy, participation, inclusion – socio-theoretical foundations

    and research methods

  • Summer term 2023 05-ASP-2000 seminar 01

    Introduction to cross-curricular learning in inclusion-oriented settings

  • Professorship at the Hochschule Hannover

    Department for inclusive education (Faculty V)

  • Acting Professor Hochschule Hannover

    Departement for inclusive education & Department for social work (Faculty V): Digital Learning and Disabilty