Uta Lorenz-Bevilacqua

Uta Lorenz-Bevilacqua

Lecturer (LfbA)

Pädagogik im Förderschwerpunkt körperlich-motorische Entwicklung
Haus 5
Marschnerstraße 29d/e, Room 162
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31554
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31558

Professional career

  • since 10/2016
    Lecturer with special responsibilities at the Chair of Pedagogy focussing on physical and motoric / mental developement, University of Leipzig
  • 10/2015 - 09/2016
    Research assistant at the Faculty of Education, University of Leipzig
  • 04/2002 - 11/2017
    Speech therapist (self-employed), Logopaedic Practice Achim
  • 11/1998 - 03/2002
    Speech therapist (employed), Logopaedic Practice Sulingen
  • 03/1993 - 10/1998
    Disability Care Worker and Educational Assistant, Lebenshilfe e.V. Bremen IGroup leader, Integrative Kindertagesstätte Bremen IPedagogic therapist, Verein Innere Mission Bremen ISpeech therapist, Logopaedic practice Sulingen


  • 04/2018 - 10/2020
  • 10/1992 - 09/1998
    Special education (Diplom), University of Bremen
  • 10/1991 - 09/1992
    Special education and Biology (Teaching post), University of Rostock
  • 09/1988 - 07/1991
    Vocational training with Abitur, BBS Pritzier
  • 05-SPF-KM1000.SE01

    Forms of appearance of physical disabilities, development barriers and promotional framework conditions for participating in school life and learning environments

  • 05-SPF-KM1000.SE02

    Educational professionalism, interdisciplinary team development and cooperation with parents focusing on physical and motor development

  • 05-SPF-KM2000.VL01

    Basics of supported communication

  • 05-SPF-KM2000.SE01

    Self-determined life with personal assistance and adaptive resources

  • 05-SPF-KM3000.VL01

    Promotional Concepts relevant to the Working Environment with regard to Heterogeneous Groups

  • 05-SPF-KM3000.SE01

    Planning and Implementing Individualizing and Differentiating Support Programs

  • 05-SPF-KM3000.SE02

    Observing, Reflecting and Planning In-Class Support for Pupils in Need of Physical and Motor Promotion

  • 05-SPF-KM5000.SE01

    Specialisation in Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods with Main Focus on Physical and Motor Development

  • 05-SPF-KM5000.PN01

    Discipline-specific research and evaluation methods

  • 05-SPF-KM6000.SE01

    Counselling with main focus on physical and motor development