We are pleased that you are interested in an exchange study at the Faculty of Education! Below you will find all relevant information and documents regarding the organization of your study stay at the University of Leipzig.

Programme for International Students in Teacher Education

Overview: Please download our flyer

Note: Changes to the information on the flyer are possible

Studying in Leipzig

Leipzig is one of the liveliest and most dynamic cities in Germany. Whether a city of music, a trade fair mecca or a city of books - Leipzig has been an important European center of trade and culture for hundreds of years.

Famous poets such as Lessing, Klopstock, Gottsched or Goethe have lived and worked here. Philosophers such as Leibniz, Nietzsche and Bloch continue to influence thinking in the city to this day.

Art, science and culture continue to be what the city, founded in 1165, is all about. Several thousand scientists conduct research at nearly 20 non-university research institutions, the university itself and six other higher education institutions. The St. Thomas Boys Choir, the Gewandhaus Orchestra, numerous museums and a lively theater scene characterize the city's cultural life. After the Peaceful Revolution, Leipzig developed into a booming region of eastern Germany, which is currently experiencing a renaissance as a high-tech and logistics center in the heart of Europe. Today's Leipzig is characterized by its economic dynamism, its high cultural level, its numerous green spaces within the urban area and - last, but not least - the above-average quality of life for families and children as well as for the growing number of elderly people in our society. A walk through the city is therefore worthwhile in any case.

Teaching and research at the Faculty of Education are focused on professionalization, competence development and internationalization. Founded in 1994, the Faculty currently consists of more than 20 professorships, which are largely dedicated to the essential areas of educational science and teacher education.

enlarge the image: Frontalansicht des Bildungswissenschaftlichen Zentrums in der Marschnerstraße 29d/e Haus 5
enlarge the image: Bicycles standing in a long row on bicycle stands.
enlarge the image: A fountain with large stone figures, in the background the futuristic church building of Leipzig University.
enlarge the image: A pond with a small wooden bridge. A young woman is sitting under a tree.
enlarge the image: View from Campus Augustusplatz to the sky. The futuristic Augusteum, the skyscraper Uniriese and the Mensa building are arranged in a circle around the blue section of the sky.
enlarge the image: The Karl-Heine-Kanal with one of the numerous bridges in Leipzig. Several canoes paddle in the water, pedestrians walk along the footpath next to it.

General Information and Application

You can find all general information about applying and studying at our university on the web pages of the International Office. Familiarize yourself with the first steps you need to take in order to pursue your study abroad program at our university.

The International Office is responsible for the general organization of your stay in Leipzig, including application, admission and enrollment. For administrative questions, please contact the International Office by e-mail.

Within the Faculty of Education, the Erasmus Coordinator Dr. Christian Hahn is your contact person. He is responsible for academic advising. If you have any questions about our study program and your studies at the Faculty of Education, please send an e-mail.

You meet the requirements for exchange studies if you can show a nomination by your home university as well as sufficient language skills. Now you can start the application process. The application deadline for the winter semester is June 30 and for the summer semester January 15.


At our university, the academic year is divided into two semesters.


Winter semester: October 1 - March 31.
The lecture period ends in January/February. This is followed by an examination period of about four weeks, which is followed by the semester break, which ends on March 31.

Summer semester: April 1 - September 30
The lecture period ends in mid/late July. This is followed by an examination period of approximately four weeks, which is followed by the semester break, which ends on September 30.

Courses Offered

You can find the entire catalog of course listings of all faculties and institutes on AlmaWeb. The full range of courses offered by the Faculty of Education can be found in the information about studies.

For exchange students there are no compulsory courses, you can choose all your courses freely.

Please contact the Erasmus Subject Coordinator Dr. Christian Hahn for information about modules and courses that are suitable for Erasmus students. You are not required but advised to take entire modules. Please consider any requirements of your home university when choosing your courses:

  •     How many courses do you have to take?
  •     How many ECTS do you need to achieve?
  •     Do you need grades?

Erasmus students do not register for courses digitally. You discuss your course choice or schedule with your Erasmus Coordinator Dr. Christian Hahn and explain which courses you would like to attend.

Before attending a course, lecture or seminar, please write an email to the lecturer and briefly introduce yourself. This email should include the following:

  •     Name, home country, home university
  •     Course of study and semester
  •     What have you studied so far and what is your focus?

Please go to the first meeting and introduce yourself to the instructor. Please be sure to discuss the form of the exam, as you will need a credit for each course you take.

To attend courses at other institutes or faculties, you need the permission of the respective lecturer. If you plan to attend a course at another institute or faculty, please write an e-mail to the respective lecturer and introduce yourself at the beginning of the first session.


At the Faculty of Education, courses are primarily held in German. A sufficient knowledge of German to a minimum level of B2 is recommended.

Where can I find courses to improve my German? You can find more information about German courses at our university on the website of the International Office.

In addition, the Faculty of Education offers individual courses in English and in an English-friendly manner. Please note the corresponding descriptions in the course catalog:

  •     English: courses are taught in English. All materials and literature are available in English.
  •     English-friendly: Courses are offered primarily in German, but include topics delivered in English (approximately 1/3 of the course). All materials and literature are available in English.

Courses in English

Erasmus students from other faculties can take DaF and DaZ seminars at the Herder Institute. Places cannot be guaranteed. On request, however, enrollments may be possible. You must always ask the lecturer of the course directly and then fill out a specific form. This means that there is no listing of courses. If you have any questions, please contact Meike Münster.

Credit Points and Grades

The regular workload for one semester is a total of 30 ECTS. Please clarify with your home university how many credit points you have to fulfill during your stay abroad.

As a rule, you will receive between 5 and 10 ECTS per course. For more information, please refer to the course catalog or ask your contact person Dr. Christian Hahn.

In the courses you choose, you must introduce yourself briefly to the respective lecturers at the beginning and discuss the examination performance. In order to receive credit points for a course, you must be present on a regular basis and complete an examination performance. At the end of the semester, you will receive a confirmation (Leistungsschein) that includes your name, the credit points received and the German grade.

This term refers to the amount of time a course takes in a semester. For example, if a lecture is to comprise 2 SWS, you must schedule 2 hours per week, and this during the entire lecture period of the semester. The number for each course can basically be taken from the course catalog.

Grades from 1 to 5 can be assigned.

1,0 / 1,3 Very Good
1,7 / 2,0 / 2,3 Good
2,7 / 3,0 / 3,3 Satisfactory
3,7 / 4,0 Sufficient
5 Insufficient (failed)


Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records

  • The Learning Agreement is your individual course plan and the basis for your Erasmus studies.
  • It is made between you, your home university and our Faculty of Education.
  • Your Erasmus Coordinator at the Faculty of Education Dr. Christian Hahn has to sign your Learning Agreement.
  • Your home university needs the Learning Agreement to understand if and what exactly you are studying at our university and if these courses can be credited in your studies.

When preparing the Learning Agreement, please refer to the course catalogs of the previous semesters (see download area), since the course catalog for the winter semester is not published until September and the course catalog for the summer semester is not published until March. Once you have selected your courses from the course offerings, transfer them to the Learning Agreement.

It may happen that something still changes in your course schedule. This can happen if, for example, your preferences or the course catalog change. This is common and unproblematic. If you need to submit your Learning Agreement to your home university very early, you can simply enter courses from the most current course catalog. You can still change your Learning Agreement later (after your arrival) according to your wishes. Therefore, wait as long as possible to submit your Learning Agreement to your subject coordinator in Leipzig, as your home university allows.

The Transcript of Records is the overview of the performance certificates at our university, on which all courses you have attended here are certified. In order to receive your Transcript of Records, you must have all of your performance certificates signed by the respective lecturer before you leave Leipzig.

Afterwards, submit copies of all your Transcripts of Records by e-mail to your Erasmus Coordinator Dr. Christian Hahn.

If all documents are complete, you can pick up your Transcript of Records within a short time or have it sent to you by mail. If you leave before you have received all grades, please make sure that your transcripts of records are forwarded by e-mail to your Erasmus Coordinator Dr. Christian Hahn.

Student Offers and Initiatives

The Buddy Program is initiated by the Studentenwerk. To help you adjust to life and find your way around Leipzig, you can get in touch with a "Leipzig-experienced" Buddy who will support you in advance by e-mail and later when you start in Leipzig.

More information

WILMA - " Welcoming Initiative for Foreigners Studying in Leipzig" is a student initiative and takes care of all foreign students at all Leipzig universities on a voluntary basis.

More information (facebook)

App "Studying Successful in Leipzig": The International Office has developed an app to help students get started in Leipzig. Download our app to help you succeed in your studies. Certain questions and concerns come up again and again during the course of your studies. Our app helps you find the right answers and services.

More Information

The Academic Lab is a helpful support in terms of academic work and writing. They offer great workshops in research, writing, and text analysis. For more information, visit the Academic Lab web pages.

More Information

At The End of Your Stay

Before you leave Leipzig, your home of the last months, there are still a few things to do. Please check the websites of the International Office to see what you still have to do.

If you have planned another semester at our university, report back through your account in AlmaWeb by transferring the semester fee.

Some exchange students would like to extend their stay and study another semester in Leipzig. This is basically no problem. We are glad that you enjoy being at our faculty and in Leipzig. In order for you to continue, we need the approval of your home university. Please send a confirmation by email to your faculty coordinator in Leipzig and the International Office at incoming-exchange(at)zv.uni-leipzig.de. Then report back via your account in AlmaWeb by transferring the semester fee.

Contact Details

Dr. Christian Hahn

Dr. Christian Hahn

Research Fellow/International Relations

Institut für Bildungswissenschaften
Haus 3
Marschnerstraße 31, Room 235
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31265
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31269

 Ninon Böhme

Ninon Böhme

Project Coordinator

International Centre
Goethestraße 3-5, Room 328
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30133
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31132020

 Sibylle Reech

Sibylle Reech

Head of Study Office

Studienbüro/Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Haus 7
Marschnerstraße 29 a, Room 101
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31591

Office hours
nach Vereinbarung

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