At our university, the examination management is responsible for the organisation of examinations and compliance with the examination regulations.


  • The commented Course Catalogue for the summer semester 2025 is available here.
  • From 1 January 2025 new regulation for proof of incapacity to take examinations due to sickness.
    Please note that from 1 January 2025, a certificate of incapacity for work will no longer be sufficient as proof of incapacity to take examinations. Only the form Formular für den Nachweis der krankheitsbedingten Prüfungsunfähigkeit (Ärztliches Attest) und studentische Erklärung can be accepted. For further information and form see Inability to take an examination due to illness.
  • Information of the Facuty of Education on starting your studies in winter semester 2024/25.

Student email account:

Upon enrolment you will receive the access data for your student email account. Please only use this email address for all messages to lecturers and staff.

Please check your university email account regularly! Information from the university will only be sent to this address.

General information

The examination management is not able to register modules. Please note the current information on Module Registration.

You cannot re-enrol for modules you have already taken. If you have not yet completed a module because you have not passed the module examination, you must register with the examination management for a second attempt. You are not legally entitled to attend the courses of the module again.

Timely module deregistration

As a rule, up to four weeks before the end of lectures via AlmaWeb (click instructions for deregistering modules).

Deadline for module deregistrations in the winter semester 2024/25:

  • Standard case: 11 January 2025

For questions regarding module deregistration, please contact the colleagues in the Study Office.

If you do not take part in a module examination without valid deregistration, this will be considered as a failed examination attempt.

The examination dates are published in AlmaWeb or announced by the lecturers (institute website, Moodle, by email, etc.).

If you are unable to take part in a module examination due to illness, please submit the completed form Formular für den Nachweis der krankheitsbedingten Prüfungsunfähigkeit (Ärztliches Attest) und studentische Erklärung to the examination management within four working days (the date of receipt by the examination management counts). Your sick leave is booked in AlmaWeb for the corresponding module exam (Exams → Module Results → Select Module → Exams).

After submitting proof of incapacity to take an examination due to illness:

  • The next examination date for this module automatically applies to you.
  • You do not have to register again for the next examination date. Registration is automatic due to sick leave.
  • You must not take the courses again and you must not re-enrol.
  • If you do not attend the next examination date without an excuse, this will count as a failed attempt.
  • In the case of written examinations (such as written assignments, portfolios, etc.), the deadline is postponed by the days of sick leave. The exam is interrupted by the days of sick leave and must not be processed during this interruption period. The new deadline is stored in AlmaWeb and can be accessed by students and lecturers.

Information on the official medical certificate ("Amtsärztliches Attest"):

  • Please only submit an official medical certificate ("Amtsärztliches Attest") if expressly requested to do so by the examination management!
  • The public health department requires a visit to the public health service between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the day of the examination in order to obtain a certificate.
  • Only in exceptional cases (e.g. hospitalisation) is it also possible to consult the official medical service by telephone by 8 a.m. on the day of the examination at the latest.

A total of three examination attempts can be taken in each module. An examination attempt is considered failed if it is assessed with 5.0 or if the student does not attend the examination without excuse.

The following applies in principle: In the event of a module examination not being passed, only the partial performances that have not been passed may be repeated. The deadlines for repeating module examinations are regulated by the examination regulations as follows:

If the 1st attempt was not passed:

The first re-examination (2nd attempt):

  • must be repeated within a period of one year. 
  • must be registered by email to the examination management up to two weeks before the resit date. Registrations received after this deadline cannot be considered, regardless of individual arrangements with the examiners, and do not receive any examination entitlement!
  • is deemed to have been failed if it is not taken within the one-year period.

If the 2nd attempt was not passed:

The second re-examination (3rd attempt):

  • must be taken at the next possible examination date. This is usually the first examination date of the corresponding module in the following semester.
  • is also deemed to have been failed if you do not attend this next possible appointment without excuse.
  • must be applied for by submitting an informal application for a second repetition of this module examination to the responsible examination board of the respective institute (name, matriculation number, degree programme, type of school, module).
  • must be registered with the examination management by email up to two weeks before the examination date. As soon as the approval of the examination board has been received, this must be submitted immediately. Otherwise you will only be admitted to the examination with reservations.

If the 3rd attempt was not passed:

the module examination as a whole is definitively failed. The resulting consequences depend on the type of examination that was definitively failed:

  • Compulsory module: results in exmatriculation from the degree programme.
  • Compulsory elective module: can be replaced by passing another compulsory elective module that can be taken.

The inspection of exams and other examination results should always be arranged directly with the examiner.

  • Preparation:

According to the examination regulations, the master's thesis is usually written during the third and fourth semester. This means that from the beginning of the third semester (usually October) you prepare the thesis (delimitation of the topic, contacting possible supervisors/examiners).

  • Registration:

The master's thesis must be registered/applied for. To do this, download the form (see "Forms"), enter your personal data and proposed topic, obtain the signatures of both examiners and submit the completed form to the study office/examination management by December (calendar week 50) (also possible by email).

  • Start of processing:

The issue/handover of the topic takes place at the latest in the third semester at the end of the lecture period (i.e. end of January/beginning of February). For this, please come to the examination management during office hours and sign for the receipt of the topic. From the day on which you sign for the topic, the processing period of 23 weeks begins (backdating/redating is excluded; please take into account the receipt of the master's thesis topic in your semester planning). Alternatively, it is possible to hand in the topic by email. In this case, you will be notified of the submission date by email to your student email address as soon as the examination board has approved it. The binding submission date of your master's thesis will be stored in AlmaWeb in any case.

Please note: If you start working on the master's thesis after the end of the lecture period, it is not guaranteed that you will complete your studies regularly and that you will receive the final documents in time for possible application deadlines! The same applies if the master's thesis is submitted later due to approved applications for an extension of the processing time of the master's thesis topic.

  • Sick leave/extension:

[Attention! New regulation from 1 January 2025:] If you fall sick while working on the master's thesis, please submit the completed form Formular für den Nachweis der krankheitsbedingten Prüfungsunfähigkeit (Ärztliches Attest) und studentische Erklärung to the examination management within four working days (the date of receipt by the examination management counts). The submission date of the master's thesis will be postponed by the days of the sick leave. The new deadline can be viewed via AlmaWeb.

The processing time can be extended by the examination board on application by the student for reasons beyond his/her control, usually for up to 6 weeks, on the basis of a statement by the supervisor. To do this, you must formulate an informal application to the examination board in which you explain the reasons and ask the supervisor to give an opinion on your application. You must send the application and statement to the respective examination board of your degree programme (see below for contact information). You must then submit the response of the examination board to the examination management.

  • Submission:

The master's thesis must be submitted as follows:

  • BuK: double in printed form and single in electronic form.
  • ECR: in English double in printed form and single in electronic form.
  • PfB: double in printed form and single in electronic form.

Printed form: Please use a binding where nothing can be added or removed later (i.e. no clip folders, ring bindings, loose-leaf binders or similar). Hardcover is possible, but not required. It is important that the pages are firmly glued.

Electronic form: If possible, please submit a complete file in .pdf format on a CD/DVD-ROM. Please label the CD with your name and matriculation number and hand it in separately in a flat paper/film bag, as this will remain in the examination file. Please do not glue it in! If your examiners also wish to receive electronic versions, you will have to glue additional CDs into the master's theses.

Please do not forget to include an affidavit with a statement that the electronic version is the same as the printed version (example).

The graduation documents (Master's certificate, Master's diploma, etc.) of graduates are sent by post to the postal address stored in AlmaWeb. Please check that the address is up to date and change it yourself in AlmaWeb if necessary.

The crediting of achievements, such as achievements from a previous degree programme or achievements made at another higher education institution, and the placement in a higher semester is principally carried out via the student advisory service or the examination board of the relevant institute. Please submit an application for credit transfer there.

Please then submit the signed notification of the credited achievements to the examination management. The credits will then be booked in AlmaWeb.

Information, counselling services and the form for applying for compensation for disadvantages can be found on the following websites:

The performance certificate according to § 48 BAföG (form 5) is usually filled out during office hours. Processing with postal return is only possible if you send a stamped return envelope to the examination management.

Further information on BAföG can be found on the website of Studentenwerk Leipzig.

A master's examination (consisting of the module examinations as well as the master's thesis) that has not been taken within four semesters after completion of the standard period of study is deemed to have been failed for the first time. If the repetition deadlines are missed, the examination is deemed to have been definitively failed.
See § 4 and § 15 examination regulations and § 36 SächsHSG.

Information specific to the study programme