National and international scientific journals, newspapers and science blogs regularly report on the research of the chair.
A recent study about moment-to-moment fluctuations in the motivation of university students by Dr. Moeller and her colleagues Julia Dietrich, Bärbel Kracke, and Jaana Viljaranta, has been mentioned in various media, including the Thüringer Allgemeine Zeitung, Jena TV, SWR2. The press release can be found here.
From 2015 to 2016, Dr. Moeller worked as a postdoc at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence on a research project called "Emotion Revolution", examining the emotional experiences of U.S. high school students. News reports about this project can be found, for instance, at The Huffington Post, and The New England Psychologist.
A 2017 study by Dr. Moeller and her colleagues from the Yale Child Study Center has been mentioned in articles in the Harvard Business Review, the New York Times (6 May 2018), and a variety of other media listed here.
A guest blog entry about mixed emotions at the "Blog On Learning and Development" (BOLD) by Julia Moeller can be found here.
Dr. Moeller's research about emotions in schools has also been mentioned in the Leipziger Volkszeitung and the Leipziger Internetzeitung.
Psychology Today is hosting Dr. Moeller's blog Passion 101, where Dr. Moeller addresses mostly motivation-related topics.