Our Lehr-Lern-Labor is a state-of-the-art laboratory for behavioural research in a broad variety of research scenarios. The high-tech equipment offers opportunities to record and analyse audio-visual data for multiple settings like screen-based eye tracking studies or video-recorded interviews.

Research in Educational Psychology at Leipzig University Noldus Customer Success Stories

Welcome to the Lehr-Lern-Labor!


There are two laboratory rooms which are connected to an observer room through one-way mirrors. The first laboratory room contains a computer for screen-based experiments, dome cameras and static eye tracking equipment. The technology allows different setups, not only for experimental scenarios, but also for learning and teaching observation. The second laboratory room allows to conduct group experiments and practicing teaching-and-learning-situations with students. Within the observation room, researchers can follow the experiments, record them and analyse data on-line as well as post-hoc.

enlarge the image: Das Bild zeigt eine Person vor einem Computermonitor.
Photo: Dr. Sandra Dietrich
  • 2 dome cameras and one mobile IP-camera
  • screen based eye tracker Tobii Fusion 250 Hz
  • mobile eye tracker Tobii pro/glasses 2
  • four mobile video cameras Sony
enlarge the image: Image shows computer monitors
Photo: Dr. Sandra Dietrich
  • Media Recorder
  • Observer XT 15 + Coder
  • FaceReader 9
  • Tobii Pro Lab
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A project to identify behavioural measures that characterise authentic or deceptive response behaviour

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Emotional and cognitive states connected to online learning

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A project on the behavioural evaluation of digital learning environments.



Emotional and cognitive states connected to online learning

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