Teacher professionalisation

What makes good teachers and how can students be meaningfully supported on their way into the teaching profession? In order to constantly improve academic education and adapt it to current demands, we aim to answer these questions in our research projects.

Assessment in and for schools

Good teachers should be assessment literate. We are investigating how these competences can be systematically built up in all phases of teacher education. We are also developing assessment tools to support teachers in their school work.

Moral development and education

Socio-moral competences are considered key competences for adolescents and adults in globalised societies. We investigate the development of moral understanding, moral emotions and moral action over the lifespan.

Digital Teaching in Higher Education

Digitalisation in higher education offers opportunities and challenges at the same time. Within the framework of the research focus, we aim to investigate how good digital teaching can succeed in educational psychology.

Are you interested in writing your thesis in one of our research projects? Find out more here.