Ariane Hinneburg

Ariane Hinneburg

Lecturer (LfbA)

Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
Haus 7
Marschnerstraße 29 a, Room 135
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31425
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31429


Since 2017, Ariane Hinneburg has been a faculty member for special tasks at the Chair of General Didactics and School Pedagogy for Secondary Education.

Her activities include the design, implementation, evaluation, and further development of various (digital) courses within the educational science modules of the teacher training program.

Another focus of her work has been the cooperative planning sessions (kooPla) at the chair, which have been taking place since 2018. At least twice a semester, the kooPla are prepared and conducted after setting priorities together with colleagues. The further development of teaching in the module is just as much a focus as the realization that our work is a lived and consistent continuation of reflective engagement with one's own work compared to the further development of teaching with teacher trainees.

Professional career

  • since 09/2017
  • 05/2014 - 12/2020
  • 08/2012 - 08/2017
  • 10/2010 - 12/2020
  • 06/2016 - 08/2017
  • 08/2010 - 07/2012


  • 10/2005 - 12/2009
  • Innov@ter - International Online Video Case Archive for Teacher Training and Empirical Research
    Mbaye, Mamadou
    Duration: 10/2020 – ongoing
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
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  • Pedagogical competences in the digital age: case orientation and social hypertext in the introductory educational science module
    Hallitzky, Maria
    Duration: 10/2019 – 09/2020
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
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  • Talking about Lessons
    Herfter, Christian
    Duration: 10/2019 – 12/2023
    Funded by: Haushaltsmittel (TG51, Overhead)
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
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  • (FallVid)
    Mbaye, Mamadou
    Duration: 09/2022 – 07/2023
    Funded by: SMWK Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs
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more projects

  • Wiemer, S.; Herfter, C.; Hinneburg, A.
    Digital statt Papier. Transformationen der Hochschullehre im Umgang mit Fachliteratur
    Der pädagogische Blick. 2020. 28 (2). pp. 119–120.
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  • Herfter, C.; Hinneburg, A.; Spendrin, K.; Wiemer, S.
    Professionalisierung digital. Sozialer Hypertext in der universitären Lehrer*innenbildung
    In: Hochmuth, R.; Becker, T.; Kempen, L. (Eds.)
    Hybride Lehre in den Fächern und im Lehramt. Köln: 2022. pp. 53–74.
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more publications

Ariane Hinneburg teaches in the educational sciences in modules 1 and 2; since the winter semester 23/24, also in module 7. In the first two modules, teacher training students are introduced to school pedagogy and general didactics and become familiar with the practical and study field of school. In module 7, students get to know the school as a learning and living space and become intensively familiar with topics of school development.

  • Introduction to School Pedagogy and General Didactics


    • SE01: Fields of Activity, Occupation and Role of the Teacher
    • SE02: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education

    In the first and second seminar of the educational science module 1 of the teacher training programs, students deal with the following topics: Tasks and fields of activity of teachers; theories, concepts, and methods of teaching; didactic handling of heterogeneity, integration, and inclusion; fundamentals of lesson planning, classroom management, and performance evaluation.

  • School as a Research Field and a Setting for Practical Training


    In the educational science module 2 of the teacher training programs, students learn methods for describing and analyzing teaching from a general didactic perspective. They engage in the implementation and reflection of teaching sequences, become acquainted with methods of school and teaching research, and are capable of applying these in the systematic observation and analysis of the reality of schools within the context of the Practical School Studies I.

  • School as a Place for Learning and Living


    In the evolutionary chain of aids like slide rules, calculators, and search engines, generative AI represents a next stage that challenges the design of schools and the didactic approach to teaching.

    Students understand AI as a reality technology. The seminar opens up a practice-oriented, exploratory encounter with AI and offers the opportunity to expand and reflect on knowledge for school use. Within the seminar, an in-house teacher training program is designed.